Madcaljan21’s Blog

Archive for April 21st, 2009

Myself  and my two best friends ( Uthra and Durga),  love to wander around Neelangarai beach. The speciality of this beach is that there will be no one around you. You will be all alone and can play all day long in the beach. Similarly we were out one day enjoying the mother nature. It was the last day of our project ( Like project 🙂 ) , so we went to beach to enjoy the last day. 

We played a lot, had total  fun. Then we found a small fish struggling for life. We were confused to see such a small fish on the shore, as we thought small fish will live in deep sea, at least you need to sail for some time to catch such a small fish. We tried to push it back to water, but all in vain. The fish struggled, struggled and struggled and then was very still.

This made us feel very bad. All the fun we had was gone. We felt bad for not being able to help it. We returned home and almost forgot it. All these happened on Dec 24’Th. On Dec 26’Th we heard of TSUNAMI for the first time. We were all shocked of the after effects of  Tsunami. The first thing that came to our mind was the fish. Immediately we called each other to talk about the incident happened two days back. We could not prove if the reactions before tsunami made the fish to reach the land. But we thought we were saved by the fish. If the fish had not come out , we would not have left and played for longer time in the sea, without knowing that the sea  would no more be calm..

April 2009
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