Madcaljan21’s Blog

Archive for the ‘Crazy Thoughts’ Category

Standing in the middle of the pond on my beautiful little boat.

Imagining that it is an ocean with beautiful islands ahead.

Did not set the journey nor had a plan.

Saw people on shore calling my name.

But stood there still in the pond on my boat.

Neither did see a prince nor did see a kingdom.

The ruler was god who dint betray me.

Trying hard to reach me but ignored him as i went

Im not in solitude neither in lament

but deep down in abysmal searching for heaven

Running with others as busy as could be

still standing in the middle of the pond wishing it be sea.

every wake leads me to truth  of love

filled with abundance and still unknown

filled with love and gifts that my poor sister will not know

filled with vaccum never seen before

pulling my strings down with a big big frown

friends and foes , I have seen a lot

nor do i care about any one at heart

missing all the finest details in life

cribbing and crying that no one treats me right

what do i expect i dont know

what do i get i dont care

but still standing in the pond on my beautiful boat

thinking someday i will have fun with people on shore

here goes a verse of lonely woman at heart!

Recently myself and my husband went to the movie “Inception”. It was a beautiful movie with a minor confusion of what is happening now and where are we. How could a dream be more sophisticated. I have a wish to rebuild my past in a dream and probably visit them every day so that I wont miss anything which happened in my life . This will be something like reliving the past. Having our own images of friends, the best places I have ever visited in my life all in a single sequence.   The script must have given the director a drill to execute it , so that it is not really as confusing that it might have been otherwise. The most interesting part was partitioning subliminal thoughts, dream within a dream, like opening doors and entering the next world and finally making it realize that everything was true. The idea of implanting a thought in others brain by entering them through the dream was awesome. If that can happen in the real world, I think we can enter the dreams and try to find out what they have in their mind and change it to what we want, like in programs. During the movie I had a slightest idea of ,am I watching matrix, like interconnected dreams, people entering dreams and when something happens to them there they will enter a coma like state. But yeah all the whole it is a very nice topic of discussion , especially for people like me who dream a lot and dream of crazy stuffs.

This article may sound a bit way out of normal , but it is the fact mostly misunderstood or fact overlooked by us..

I was browsing through some channel and finally landed  up seeing  a survey show, where they will throw questions and try to get vote based on the answers received. The anchor was asking the audience ” Which is the best place to hang out, where you feel very relaxed and good”. The answers were like beaches, resort, hill stations, bars, girl friends house ( woow!!) and so on.

Suddenly this crazy idea flooded in my mind just as always. I was thinking what would be the best place to hang out which refreshes us. Of course all the other answers were really good and everyone loves to do it. We love some thing for short-term right, for example, we are very tired or vexed or tensed or extremely happy when at office and  want to vent out that immediately. Everytime we can’t go to some beach or hill station, then we will be permanently sitting at our house. But there is this place right at the corner awaiting to be used , which will make you feel lighter and at the end you will be brighter :). Its none other than the restroom.  It may sound yuck at first time, but I’m sure that everyone of you would have experienced one or many of the following:

When we are extremely tensed , when we use the restroom and wash our face, we will feel lighter and better to handle the forth coming situation.

When something is stuck, we are not able to move any further, we will get some good ideas the moment we step in the restroom.

When we are tensed , with heart beat really going high, for any reason it may be, the restroom helps us to calm down a bit and gives courage to face the situation.

I have seen many kids will use this place to escape from studies.

This can also be used as a hiding place when you  want to hide from someone, no one will come and disturb you when you are there. So you have your own time of planning for the escape.

I have heard of girls using restroom for messaging and talking to their boy friends.

It is just not these, there are so many ways you can use the place. So now we get totally different feeling about using this place, not just mechanically. So 2 in 1 , it helps you to dump the waste from your body, at the same time gives way for clearing your brain and make you feel lighter in every way. You can also share your experience with me ( just for fun!!) . All these holds good if you use the restroom daily. For people using twice a week or once a week, I’m sorry to say this ” This is a hell!!!”.


It’s full of fun, filled with Christmas lights, cookies , cakes, shopping flees, flooded here in the streets of US. Especially talks about Santa at its high. It is really fun to learn about Santa, his gifts to kids on Christmas, kids waiting eagerly for their surprise present to show up on the day of Christmas. It’s really fun and good to see these kinds of events. Everyone loves surprises and those surprises will be really special when we get from some one we loved the most in this world. These kind of events makes us think that we are of course special for some one.  I still remember the beautiful gifts I got from my mom as surprise, i would jump in joy and shout at the top of my voice. Those moments are so special and will be long-lasting when we think back in our life. Somehow the spirit of Christmas is creeping into me. I started thinking if Santa is really alive and will he get me presents when I write to him. It’s good to think this way, making me feel like a small child again.  Anyways ” Santa if you are real and if you happen to see my blog, just give me a call, I have a big list for you…”

We know what is being lazy and being active.. but actually if we dig deep there is not much of difference between them, but just a single point..

Active Person thinks ” I have a work to do, anyways I have to do it.. so let me do it now!!”

Lazy Person thinks ” I have a work to do, anyways I have to do it.. why not do it later!!”

But the best point is , both of them realises that they have to do the work, only the time of action is different..thats better in one way.. Now I wonder what will be the name of the person who thinks   ” Do I have a work? “

May 2024
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