Madcaljan21’s Blog

Posts Tagged ‘grandmother


Posted on: May 2, 2009

1) My grandmother lived in a village with no or minimal facilities, but have never complained about anything. I live in a city with almost all the facilities, but keep complaining about something or the other.

2) My grandmother did not study much, but was wiser and took beautiful decisions in life. I studied to some extent , but stumble for taking basic decisions or sit with graphs and charts analysing the  strategy. 

3) My grandmother had many children and fed them all equally and they all grew up happily. I just have one kid, but analyse on the budgets and make a mess in the name of planning.

4) She had less dreams and enjoyed her life, achieved few. I have lots of dreams, have lot of opportunities, but hardly achieve anything.

5) She did not have help of technology at her kitchen, but her cooking was splendid. I have so many gadgets and instant mixtures , but not quite tasteful as hers.

6) She had lots of work at house from cleaning, cooking , maintaining cows, sheep etc.. but never complained of over loaded. I hardly have work at home part from easy cooking and vaccum cleaning , no pets, but I do complain for a lot of work and take rest.

7) She was hail and hearty at her seventies just complaining about knee pain once in a while. I just in my twenties and complain a lot about body pain. 

8) She used to eat everything immaterial of what it was made of, but enjoyed the food heartily. But I look at ingredients, calculate calories, looking for low fat and finally end up eating rubbish. 

9) She used totally natural products for bathing and hair washing, she have never stepped beauty parlour, but she was beautiful,really beautiful. I use lot of  chemical products, even spend 1000’s for getting natural products, pay tax to beauticians, but I don’t think I’m more beautiful than my grand mother with all artificially added products.

I’m sitting at home on a Saturday without stepping out afraid of swine flu and writing this blog, I think of my grand mother, I bet she would have never heard of anything called swine flu and she would not have bothered much about it. She is such a strong lady.

May 2024
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